Listen up for a special Valentine's Day message from the Manchester Bloggers Aggregator:
It needs some love. It hasn't been working properly, mainly because the guy who was maintaining it, Lord Rich, moved back to Bradford and doesn't have time to do it any more. Poor sad, neglected aggregator. Surely there's a Manchester technogeek out there who can come to the rescue?
If you just read the above and are now scratching your head wondering what the aggregator is, and why you should give a rat's ass about it, I'll tell you. The aggregator grabs all of our blog posts in one big feed and puts them up there on the screen in one easy-to-find place. It's the place to go if you want to see what Manchester bloggers are writing about, but don't want to spend hours visiting blog after blog. If you've signed up, it's brought readers to your blog. It's a good thing for all of us.
Rich writes: "Right now, somebody else taking over working on it sounds good. I'd be happy to hand it over to anybody who has time to spend on it. However, I'd warn you that it needs more than a little maintenance work - I'm thinking starting afresh with some more robust software is the way to go, and I definitely don't have the time to do that."
Won't you help? If you want to help save the aggregator, email me on themanchizzle at gmail dot com and I'll put you in touch with Rich. I'd do it myself except that using blogger is about as far as I go with technology and that.
If somebody does get it working, can they let me know as I've been trying to get my blog on here for ages and everytime i press the linky thats supposed to take you to instruction to register/add your blog it takes me to a dead page, see for yourself http://manchester.blogbound.com/?page_id=2663
Anyway eitehr way good luck in finding someone to maintain it
I'm in the process on setting up a website that does that. Over here
Great wodge. Three people have so far expressed interest, so I'll get you guys together soon. Anyone else?
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